The HCPLive conference coverage page features articles, videos, and expert-led live coverage from major medical meetings throughout the year.
NCCN 2010: Dr. Mark Kris, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
NCCN 2010: Dr. Len Saltz, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
NCCN 15th Annual Conference Overview, Resources, and Upcoming Meetings
During the the National Comprehensive Cancer Network 15th Annual Conference, updates were presented for various NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines.
Treatment-Related Infections, Thromboses, and Neuropathy in Cancer
Many cancers increase the risk of other serious events and many treatments have their own risks and adverse effects that must be managed.
NCCN Guidelines Are Being Adopted Internationally
NCCN is increasingly collaborating with other nations to develop foreign editions of its guidelines.
Laparoscopic Treatment of Uterine Cancer Safe and Effective
Women with uterine cancer who are treated with laparoscopy have a 3-year rate of overall survival similar to that of women who undergo traditional laparotomy.
Test May Predict Response to Taxane Therapy in Ovarian Cancer
Some patients with ovarian cancer benefit from adding a taxane to a platinum-based chemotherapy, but the regimen presents increased risk.
Survival for Youths with Cancers Remains Stagnant
When adolescents and young adults develop cancer, clinicians contend with an entirely different set of considerations in treatment and follow-up.
Gynecologic Oncologists Advance Promising IP Approach in New Studies
Gynecologic oncologists are advancing a treatment method that shows great promise in extending PFS and OS for women with certain advanced gynecologic cancers.
Examining Referrals and Cancer Care Costs
Ware and associates described a multi-institutional experience that examined the American Society of Obstetricians referral guidelines for a pelvic mass.
NCCN 2010: Dr. David Pfister, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
NCCN 2010: Dr. Lee Krug, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Neuroendocrine Tumors: Sometimes You Need to 'Sit Tight'
New treatments are desperately needed for neuroendocrine tumors, said Leonard Saltz, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
NCCN Multiple Myeloma Guidelines Updates
George Somlo, MD, City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center, presented the updates to the NCCN Multiple Myeloma Guidelines.
New NCCN Guidelines for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
These new guidelines were presented by Lee M. Krug, MD, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
Impact of Evidence-Based Guidelines on Cancer Care and Cost
The escalating costs of cancer care combined with variations in concordance with evidence-based practice guidelines is could collapse the US Healthcare System.
Taking Steps to Identify Carcinoma of Unknown Primary
At NCCN, Richard Klausner, MD, gave a spirited presentation on "New Advances in Molecular Diagnostics and Cancer."
Genetic Testing for Warfarin Sensitivity Reduced Hospitalizations
Genetic testing as part of initial management of patients on warfarin reduced hospitalizations by nearly 30%.
Novel Taxus Element Stent Compares Favorably with Earlier Stents
A novel drug-eluting stent using a new alloy and design achieved comparable outcomes versus earlier generation drug-eluting stents in the PERSEUS trial.
Remote CareLink Monitoring Speeds Up Clinical Decision-making
Remote monitoring of patients with an ICD had shorter times to clinical decision-making versus standard office visits in the CONNECT trial.
SGO: Three Abstract Highlights from the Initial Plenary Session
Three highly provocative papers from the Gynecologic Oncology Group were presented during the initial plenary session of SGO.
Technology Will Revolutionize Cardiology Practice
Portable ORs, using thoughts to control motions, and auto-anesthesia--these are some of the technologies that will transform the practice of cardiology.
Combo Regimen Prolongs PFS/Hurts Quality of Life in Ovarian Cancer
A combination regimen of docetaxel and carboplatin prolongs PFS in recurrent ovarian cancer but decreases quality of life.
Pulmonary Hypertension: Predictors of Prognosis
Among the top study results presented during this session at the ACC 59th Annual Scientific Session, here are three focusing on pulmonary hypertension.
Hypertension and the Artery Wall
During the meeting, there were hundred of poster presentations. Hypertension-specific posters are profiled here.
Hypertension and Heart Failure
In yet another outstanding set of poster presentations, the following were among the best under the heading "hypertension and heart failure."
Exercise and Vascular Modulation
These three posters presented at the conference stood out under the "exercise and vascular modulation" heading.
Cryoballoon Better than Drug Therapy for Eliminating Paroxysmal Afib
A cryoablation catheter system was nearly 10 times more effective than standard drug therapy in eliminating intermittent atrial fibrillation and equally safe.
Gardasil Reduces Post-Surgery Reoccurrence of HPV-related Disease
Gardasil, a vaccine that prevents cervical cancer, also reduces the likelihood of recurrence after surgery by 40%.
NCCN Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Updates
This year's updates parse sarcomas, emphasize the importance of accurate pathology evaluations, and examine the value of molecular testing.