On the HCPLive news page, resources on the topics of disease- and specialty-specific medical news and expert insight can be found. Content includes articles, interviews, videos, podcasts, and breaking news on health care research, treatment, and drug development.
FDA Cracks Down on Alcohol-Caffeine Combo Drinks
November 16th 2009The FDA has sent a letter to 30 companies warning that it hasn’t approved beverages containing both caffeine and alcohol, and that it intends to begin removing such products from store shelves in 30 days if the companies can’t explain why such products are safe and legal.
The Patient-centered Approach to Urine Drug Testing in the Chronic Pain Patient
November 12th 2009At PAINWeek 09, Howard Heit, MD, FACP, FASAM, began his presentation "The Patient-centered Approach to Urine Drug Testing in the Chronic Pain Patient" by briefly discussing the concept of Universal Precautions in pain medicine, noting that the term originated from the infectious disease model.
The pundits are going to have their field day with this one. "The danger [with this Bill] is that as costs continue to rise and coverage becomes less comprehensive, people will conclude that we've tried health reform and it didn't work. But the real problem will be that we didn't really try it.
Jeffrey Borenstein wrote an interesting article published this month in IEEE Spectrum musing on our attempts to trump the pill as a drug delivery system. He introduces an implantable drug delivery device designed to hold up to a year's worth of medication, after which the patient could go through minor surgery to refill the reservoir.
AMA Wants Lawmakers to Regulate Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals
November 11th 2009The AMA adopted a resolution calling on the federal government to enact new policies to decrease the public’s exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals through a single regulatory overseer to ensure coordination among agencies.
Rituximab Rapidly Improves Symptoms of Graves' Eye Disease
November 10th 2009Though researchers observed improvement among patients as early as four weeks following their first infusion, they caution that the results came from a small case series. However, given the substantial benefits for patients treated with rituximab, they see good reason to proceed with a large-scale clinical trial.
VA Grant Spurs Development of Therapy for Neuropathic Pain
November 10th 2009A $1.8 million grant will help the University of Michigan investigate the use of herpes simplex virus-based vectors to deliver genes to sensory nerves from application in the skin, which researchers believe hold promise not only for the treatment of pain but also ultimately for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy itself.
Epilepsy and TBI: Unexpected Findings
November 9th 2009Traumatic brain injury (TBI) raises the risk of subsequent epilepsy (post-traumatic epilepsy: PTE). The risk also correlates with TBI severity, and is higher in the presence of a preexisting seizure disorder. These are fairly well accepted principles. However, much about the relationship between TBI and epilepsy remains unclear.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Clinic Offers Noninvasive Treatment For Major Depression
November 6th 2009Committing to the promise it holds, Rush University Medical Center psychiatrists are now putting into action transcranial magnetic stimulation, the first FDA-approved, non-invasive antidepressant device-based treatment that is clinically proven for depression treatment, making them among the first to test the technique after having helped develop it.
Heart Disease: What's the Difference between Men and Women?
November 4th 2009When a patient is diagnosed with heart disease, cardiologists typically focus on treating him or her for obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD). However, an article published in the October 20 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology explains that “up to half of women may not have” CAD.
New ACC/AHA Guidelines: Focused Update on Perioperative Beta Blockers
November 4th 2009On Monday, the ACC and AHA released the 2009 ACCF/AHA Focused Update on Perioperative Beta Blockade, an addendum to the ACC/AHA 2007 Guidelines on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation and Care for Noncardiac Surgery.