On the HCPLive news page, resources on the topics of disease- and specialty-specific medical news and expert insight can be found. Content includes articles, interviews, videos, podcasts, and breaking news on health care research, treatment, and drug development.
The Best Website You're Not Going To
April 7th 2008Medal.org is an ongoing effort to create software implementations of useful healthcare algorithms, include documentation and references, and make both easily available to all interested. It saves people from going to numerous textbooks that they in all likelihood would not refer to as often as they should.
Variable Annuities: Expensive Protection
April 3rd 2008Variable annuities are widely marketed to physicians as asset-shielding investments that can offer substantial returns. These investments can hold considerable allure for doctors because assets held within them are protected from malpractice judgments in some states.
View From the Trenches: Does Patient Portal Data Entry Work?
April 3rd 2008Allowing your patients to manage some aspects of their medical records seems like it could save your practice valuable time spent re-keying information scribbled onto forms, let alone some cold hard cash. But there are definite drawbacks and kinks that have yet to be worked out.