On the HCPLive news page, resources on the topics of disease- and specialty-specific medical news and expert insight can be found. Content includes articles, interviews, videos, podcasts, and breaking news on health care research, treatment, and drug development.
Variable Annuities: Expensive Protection
April 3rd 2008Variable annuities are widely marketed to physicians as asset-shielding investments that can offer substantial returns. These investments can hold considerable allure for doctors because assets held within them are protected from malpractice judgments in some states.
View From the Trenches: Does Patient Portal Data Entry Work?
April 3rd 2008Allowing your patients to manage some aspects of their medical records seems like it could save your practice valuable time spent re-keying information scribbled onto forms, let alone some cold hard cash. But there are definite drawbacks and kinks that have yet to be worked out.
Presidential Elections: Is Zimbabwe a True Democracy?
March 31st 2008And we think we have problems with our upcoming presidential elections; look at Zimbabwe. They have been waiting 10 days to find out who has won the election! Is this leading to a changing of the guard? Not if incumbent President Robert Mugabe has anything to say about it.
I Bonds-a Safe Heaven from Inflation
March 30th 2008High volatility in the stock market in recent months would normally spur more physician-investors to think about increasing their investment in bonds. But a spurt in inflation amid slowing economic growth early this year and recent tumult in the bond markets are, at least for now, changing the yin-yang dynamic of stock versus bond investing.
Injection of the wrist and ulnar styloid
March 28th 2008The wrist, a complex joint, often is involved in inflammatoryarthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. Wristsynovitis causes pain, swelling, and loss of extension. Extension of thesynovial lining may lead to synovitis of the ulnar styloid. During injectionof the ulnocarpal joint, the lidocaine and corticosteroid mixtureshould flow without resistance. Injecting air after corticosteroidinjection of the ulnar styloid creates a seal that prevents the corticosteroidfrom leaking up the needle tract into the dermal layer and creatingunsightly depigmentation. (J Musculoskel Med. 2008;25:188-189)
MD Career Change: Are You a Candidate?
March 28th 2008How do physicians change careers? One helpful tool is a Career Change Ability Scale, which identifies the best career practicesâ€"hallmark career behaviors and career attitudesâ€"of physicians who have made career transitions to non-clinical occupations.
The 10-minute examination for low back pain
March 26th 2008Low back pain (LBP) is a major public health problem and a common reason for patient visits to a primary care physician. A pathoanatomically precise diagnosis cannot be made in most patients, and the primary care physician typically has only limited time to conduct a complete examination. A brief visit that is highly structured for efficiency can provide direction about the underlying pathology of acute LBP, leading to appropriate pharmacotherapy and adjunctive measures. Asking targeted questions during the history taking is the key to a successful diagnosis. Patient education helps ensure a successful outcome. Use of analgesics and skeletal muscle relaxants can help relieve symptoms in many patients. (J Musculoskel Med. 2008;25:162-168).