The Role of Nurses and Support Personal in Educating Patient on Adalimumab Biosimilars


Providers in inflammatory diseases discuss the instrumental role nurses and support staff play in educating patients on adalimumab biosimilars.

This is a video synopsis/summary of a panel discussion involving Jamie T. Brogan, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC; Kostas Botsoglou, MD; Jordan Axelrad, MD, MPH; Sophia Humphreys, PharmD, MHA; and Peter Lio, MD.

The conversation centers on the crucial role of nurses and support staff in educating patients and ensuring optimal outcomes with adalimumab biosimilars. Nurses are highlighted as key educators who interact closely with patients, providing training on device usage and addressing any issues that arise. Support staff, including specialty pharmacists and biologics coordinators, also play essential roles in managing patient concerns, such as delays in medication delivery or copay assistance.

Providers emphasize the importance of patient education from the outset, including information on risks, side effects, and access to copay assistance programs. Proactive patient engagement is encouraged, with patients urged to communicate any issues promptly to facilitate timely resolution.

Collaboration between healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and support staff is crucial in navigating the complexities of insurance coverage and product availability. Open communication and ongoing education ensure that patients receive comprehensive support throughout their treatment journey, despite potential changes in coverage and policies over time.

Video synopsis is AI-generated and reviewed by HCPLive editorial staff.

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