Cardiology Case Report: 5150


Our latest case report from Brady Pregerson, MD, features a man in his mid-50s with a history of depression and hypertension who has not been taking his medication for a few weeks presenting to the hospital with suicidal ideation. Can you determine the correct diagnosis?


A patient in their mid-50’s with a history of depression and HTN who has been off meds for a few weeks presents to the hospital with suicidal ideation. He denies intentional overdose as well as syncope, palpitations, chest pain, SOB, leg swelling or pain, fever, cough or other complaints.


Vital signs are normal except for elevated BP of 179/108. The physical exam is normal.

EKG printout from man in his mid-50s | Credit: Brady Pregerson, MD

Computer Read: NSR at 85, ST & T wave abnormality, consider lateral ischemia, Prolonged QT.
Credit: Brady Pregerson, MD

What is the most likely cause of the ECG findings in this patient?

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