Petros Levounis, MD: Treating Anxiety During COVID-19


Many people struggled with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Treating anxiety during a global pandemic was a challenge for many, but for a lot of people they were able to come through the COVID-19 pandemic better than before they entered it.

In an interview with HCPLive®, Petros Levounis, MD, MA, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Rutgers University, explained what exactly has occurred for the general anxiety population during the last 2 years.

Levounis said there are 2 different populations of patients when it comes to anxiety during the pandemic.

For 1 group, there are a small number of people who suffer from clinical anxiety and often suffer greatly.

However, there is a second and much larger group of people who suffer from anxiety due to the unpredictability of the pandemic and the inability to control certain aspects of life.

The lack of an ability to plan for things day-to-day can be a challenge for many that was exacerabated by the pandemic.

Levounis believes the long-term effects in this group will continue for some time.

During Pri-Med West 2022 in Anaheim, Levounis delivered a pair of presentations, including 1 of generalized anxiety. His second presentation was about helping the efforts for primary care providers to provide appropriate care for the LGBTQ community.

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