Cardiology Case Report: Near Syncope


This cardiology case report from Brady Pregerson, MD, features man in his late-60s presenting to urgent care with 3 days of upper respiratory infection symptoms and one episode of near syncope. Check out the ECG and see if you can determine the correct diagnosis!


A patient in their late-60s with no cardiac history presents to the urgent care with 3 days of upper respiratory infection symptoms and one episode of near syncope today. He denies palpitations, chest pain, SOB, leg swelling, fever or other complaints.


Vital signs are normal. The physical exam is normal except for a regularly-irregular rhythm

An ECG is performed:

ECG printout from a patient featured in a case report | Credit: Brady Pregerson, MD

Computer Read: Atrial flutter with variable AV block and RVR at a rate of 145, NSST abnormality.

Other Info: Heart Rate: 148 on the cardiac monitor

Credit: Brady Pregerson, MD

What is the most likely rhythm in this patient?

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