Jamie Costello: The Importance of Exercise for Geriatrics


Older individuals are at an increased risk of more severe COVID-19 outcomes.

The overlap between age, comorbidities, and severe COVID-19 outcomes is apparent.

And while patients cannot do anything about age, reducing the risk of developing comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, and obesity could pay dividends.

In an interview with HCPLive®, Jamie Costello, MSC, Pritikin Longevity Center, discussed how geriatric patients need to develop appropriate exercise plans in order to reduce their risk of not only COVID-19, but also several other comorbidities.

Costello said no matter what the age is, it is important to craft and exercise plan that can benefit the individual, but not overexert them.

He also said exercise is just 1 piece of the wellness plan, which can also include diet, sleep, and mental health awareness. All these factors, along with vaccination, will help people improve their immune system, which is known to have a positive impact in fighting COVID-19 infections.

These are suggestions for individuals even without the threat of COVID-19.

Costello said the current situation offers an opportunity for many to change their lifestyle and get healthier as fear of the Delta variant continues to grow.

He also said even those without a baseline of exercise are able to pick up programs later in life when it becomes even more critical.

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