Diabetes Dialogue: The Race to Cure T1D


“The cure for diabetes is just X years away”

It’s something countless patients have heard and clinicians have been told since they entered medicine. More than 100 years after Sir Frederick Banting discovered insulin and altered the course of diabetes management forever, generations of patients with type 1 diabetes have been given hope for a cure and have endured the burdens of diabetes waiting for this cure to arrive one day. As a result of the constant innovations and wide array of approaches surrounding pursuit of a potential cure, progress has been hard to gauge, leading to questions of how much closer to a cure is the community than it was 5, 10, or even 50 years ago.

For the July 2022 episode of Diabetes Dialogue: Therapeutics, Technology, and Real-World Perspectives, hosts Diana Isaacs, PharmD, and Natalie Bellini, DNP, sit down to provide perspective on the latest advances in the fight to cure type 1 diabetes and offer insight into their experiences at the Practical Ways to Achieve Targets in Diabetes Care Conference held in Keystone, CO in mid-July.

Diabetes Dialogue: Therapeutics, Technology, and Real-World Perspectives is available in an audio-only format on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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