Erin Crown, PA-C: Best Practices for Treating Schizophrenia


A combination of medications and therapy is viewed as the most effective method of treating schizophrenia.

Similar to other psychiatric conditions like depression and anxiety, the best way to treat schizophrenia is by using a combination of medication and therapy.

Therapy can be a crucial part of the treatment equation because it allows psychiatrists to get more insight into the inner thoughts of the patient.

What makes this especially true is the fact that most people are initially diagnosed with schizophrenia when they are young and maintain the disease throughout their lives.

In an interview with HCPLive®, Erin C. Crown, PA-C, a physician’s assistant for Oasis Lifecare, explained the value in adding therapy to a medication regiment for schizophrenia patients.

Crown suggested not only is therapy important for the patient, but family appointments are encouraged so that there is a well-informed support system in place.

This is not always possible, as Crown said many of her older patients come to appointments alone or with a case manager with almost no family ever in place.

Crown explained that patients often lose touch with their friends and family over the course of years because even if the disease is initially treated, multiple relapses are likely.

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HCPLive Five at APA 2024 | Image Credit: HCPLive
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