There is an inherit risk for a break, or rupture, in the doctor-patient relationship. In this episode of Overdrive, Dr. Kim Gorgens, a psychologist with the University of Denver and a Rheumatology Network board member, and Dr. Linda Mona, a patient with chronic disease and a clinical psychologist, discuss maintaining a good relationship with your patients which hold more benefits than you may realize.
Dr. Kim Gorgens
Dr. Kim Gorgens: Welcome to our very first-ever podcast….it feels really great to throw our hat in the ring. As a new board member for Rheumatology Network and a long-time contributor, my column is Awkward Conversations. And, really, the premise for each one of them is the inherit risk for a break or rupture to the doctor-patient relationship. And, that is one of the reasons why our content today is so important.
So, what I thought we would do today is to talk about three things. First, what is this breach or rupture? Why is repair so important? And, how do you do it?
So, there’s no one better to join me today than my best friend and esteemed colleague. She’s the best clinical thinker in all the land: Dr. Linda Mona.
So, Linda what is it or how would describe it? You do so much clinical. Your framing is probably richer than say as an academic that I would offer.
Dr. Linda Mona: I am so excited to be having this conversation with you in my role as a clinical psychologist, but mostly as a professional patient. As someone living with chronic health issues and disability all of my life, one of the passions that I have is training in psychology and I will tell you what I always tell new medical residents. I always say if you don’t remember anything else that I say today, remember this: “You are so important to your patient. You have so much to give because you hold the key to facilitating a great life for them. You hold the key to conceptualizing their life in such a larger way than specifically whatever they’re presenting in front of you. I think realizing the importance of that relationship which and sometimes in psychology well call that professional intimacy because it’s usually one-sided….