
Health Care Providers Now Have New Option to Stay Connected, Save Time

Intellisphere Re-Launches Next-Generation Website with enhanced features for the busy health care professional.


Contact: Bill Schu, Group Editorial Director

(609) 716-7777 x125,

Health Care Providers Now Have New Option to Stay Connected and Save Time

Intellisphere Re-Launches Next-Generation Website with enhanced features for the busy health care professional

Plainsboro, NJ, October 4, 2010--Information overload is a real danger for health care professionals, who have more options than ever for obtaining information and more demands on their time. The sheer amount of information available can make finding the right information at the right time like searching for a needle in a haystack.

With the launch of HCPLive 3.0, a revolutionary information portal for health care professionals that is uniquely designed to help them stay connected and save time, Intellisphere is providing physicians and other healthcare professionals with one daily, trusted resource that can help our audience sort through all the white noise and quickly find the information that is most valuable and relevant to them. HCPLive searches and finds all the relevant information to healthcare providers in multiple specialties, helping physicians and other providers manage their practice so they can provide better healthcare.

“HCPLive truly is a one-of-a-kind resource that meets the news and information needs of today’s busy physicians,” said Mike Hennessy, Chairman and CEO of HCPLive, in his welcome letter. “With this latest version of HCPLive, we’re taking full advantage of the power of the Health Care Professionals Network, providing news and information in a highly searchable and customizable format.”

The site includes a fully customizable portal, MyHCPLive, which allows physicians to view only the content that is most relevant to their practice. They can personalize their page with their favorite HCPLive content, private e-mail access, the latest news and information, and even weather and stock tips.

Health care providers who visit will find customized articles for more than a dozen medical specialties, as well as a robust selection of blogs written by health care professionals. Articles, news, clinical, and multimedia resources for more than two dozen disease states, plus podcasts, videos, and webinars are right at their fingertips. The site even includes real-time coverage from top medical conferences, such as podcasts covering breaking news. Health care professionals can stay connected to the HCPLive Network via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and take their favorite content wherever they go by downloading MD Magazine and Pharmacy Times for the iPad and HCPLive To Go, ONCLive To Go, and Pharmacy Times CPE for the iPhone.

Fueled by hundreds of medically relevant links, HCPLive represents the first true gateway to the medical Internet, providing healthcare professionals in-depth conference coverage, the most comprehensive condition centers, and frequently updated, specialty-specific news, information, and resources. The site provides physicians with clinical, technology, lifestyle, and finance content, and even a look at pop culture through the just-launched “Pop Medicine” blog.

“Since we launched HCPLive in 2007, we have been constantly evolving to better meet the needs of our visitors,” said John Maillard, Vice President of Intellisphere’s Digital Media Group. “Version 3.0, along with the integration of and our iPad-exclusive MD Magazine into our portfolio, are the culmination of those efforts and the next big step in moving the digital business forward. We have taken what worked well from the previous versions of the site and enhanced the experience to make it a true curated platform, personalized for the busy healthcare professional. It’s all about saving them time while keeping them connected—whether it’s to each other or to our multiplatform, multispecialty content.”

For more information, please contact Bill Schu at (609) 716-7777, or via email at

About HCPLive

HCPLive is the preeminent destination for physicians, pharmacists, managed care executives, and other health care professionals who are looking for tools, techniques, and information that can help them provide better care. Our unique content is organized by specialty, by publication, and by audience, and it includes features from the print journals MDNG, MD Magazine, Oncology Net Guide, Oncology Nurses, and MDNG: Hospitality, Oncology & Biotechnology News, Pharmacy Times, The American Journal of Managed Care, Cardiology Review, as well as the online site for Physicians Money Digest, PMDLive, among other clinical and professional publications.


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