There are now more than a dozen medications approved for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis, a treatment pending approval for primary progressive, and very early signs of hope for secondary progressive. As a result there was plenty of optimism at ECTRIMS as it left London and prepared for Paris next year.
There are now more than a dozen medications approved for the treatment of relapsing multiple sclerosis, a treatment pending approval for primary progressive, and very early signs of hope for secondary progressive. As a result there was plenty of optimism at ECTRIMS as it left London and prepared for Paris next year.
As the meeting in London was ending Ludwig Kappos, MD, from the University of Basel in Switzerland discussed how the field and the meeting itself have evolved over the past three decades. Especially in the field of progressive forms of the disease Kappos said there has been a focus by researchers in helping patients better manage their symptoms even in small increments in the beginning.