Study questions whether reduction in AF burden after catheter ablation leads to sustained beneficial cardiac remodeling.
In this Medical News Minute prepared for Practical Cardiology, Dr Bobby Lazzara highlights a new study published in the journal Circulation that investigated the effect of catheter ablation used to restore sinus rhythm (SR) on left ventricular function (LVF) in patients with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation (AF).
Research has shown that after restoration of SR, LV structural remodeling and dysfunction can be modestly reversed. The current study found that in patients with lone AF, impaired myocardial energetics and subtle LV dysfunction were not fully resolved after ablation leading the authors to suggest that AF may not be the cause of an occult cardiomyopathy but rather the consequence of underlying dysfunction.
Source: Wijesurendra RS, Liu A, Eichhorn C, et al. Lone atrial fibrillation is associated with impaired left ventricular energetics that persist despite successful catheter ablation. Circulation. 2016;134. 2016 Sep 14. pii: CIRCULATIONAHA.116.022931. [Epub ahead of print]