Partners Play Key Role in Mental Health Issues During and After Pregnancy


While the woman may be the one carrying the baby that does not mean their partner is unaffected by or unaware of potential psychological challenges they encounter. They can also play a key role in getting their partners the help they need.

While the woman may be the one carrying the baby, that does not mean their partner is unaffected by or unaware of potential psychological challenges they encounter. They can also play a key role in getting their partners the help they need.

Whether it is a husband, boyfriend, or otherwise, Tina Walch, MD, said they play a key role in helping to identify any problems and in the treatment process as well. Walch, who serves as Medical Director at South Oaks Hospital on Long Island, said men can also suffer from their own form of postpartum depression which is something that providers also need to be aware of as part of the overall care picture.

See Part 1 HERE

See Part 2 HERE

See Part 3 HERE

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