Q&A With Farouc Jaffer From Massachusetts General Hospital: Finding More Connections Between Depression and Cardiac Conditions


Patients with chronic total occlusion percutaneous intervention may also be at risk of developing depression. Research has shown by treating the cardiac condition it can help lesson the symptoms of the psychiatric condition as well.

Patients with chronic total occlusion percutaneous intervention may also be at risk of developing depression. Research has shown by treating the cardiac condition it can help lesson the symptoms of the psychiatric condition as well.

Farouc A. Jaffer, MD, PhD, from Massachusetts General Hospital discussed research done in this field during the American Heart Association's annual scientific sessions in Orlando. While noting the potential of a chicken and egg effect, Jaffer noted studies on this connection can be difficult when identifying the proper patient population. Despite those issues he noted potential for successes when working across many areas of the health care field.

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