

Physician's Money Digest

July15 2004
Issue 13

Dopey Donald


Trump:How to Get Rich

Before you run right out and buyDonald Trump's new book, (Random House;2004), you might like to know that hehas nothing but distain for physicians.Here's how Trump (net worth of $2.5billion) characterized doctors in his newbestseller (page 106):

"I have come to hate doctors.I think that, generally, theyare a bunch of money-grubbingdogs. I can tell you about countlessinstances when doctors haveruined people's lives. As anexample, a person I am veryfond of had a foot injury that I believeshould have healed naturally, butinstead, the doctor operated on it, fittingpins and plates into the foot. Now, afterover a year of convalescence, this personis having a hard time walking. Ithink that suing a doctor likethis would qualify as a worthwhilelegal expense. (Recently,the patient saw this doctorwalking on the very expensiveand chic Worth Avenue in PalmBeach and spending lots of money.) Thisis one of many bad doctors I know of—there are too many others to name. I justcan't stand the bastards." Talk aboutmindless stereotypes.

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