

Physician's Money Digest

March15 2004
Issue 5

Bag that Luggage



If you're an impatient traveler, a luggage-handling service may be your timesaving ticket. With airport security gettingtighter and check-in lines growinglonger, a service that relieves you of yourluggage might be worth the price. WithLuggagefree (, forexample, you just pack your bags andpick up the phone. Your luggage, includingstandard bags as well as bulky itemslike golf bags and bicycles, is picked up atyour door and delivered directly to yourdestination anywhere in the UnitedStates, Canada, or Europe at a time youspecify. Saving time may not be cheap,however. The service will cost you $2 apound (about $100 for a set of golf clubs)for domestic shipments, $3 for Canadiandestinations, and $5 for Europe. Dosome advance planning. Domestic shipmentstake 2 business days, while deliveryto Canada and Europe takes 5 to 7 days.

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