Equipment Deduction

Physician's Money DigestSeptember30 2003
Volume 10
Issue 18


The new tax law allows businessowners (eg, practicing physicians) towrite off up to $100,000 of new equipmenteach year. This so-called Section179 deduction comes with a fewstrings attached, however. The mainpoint to remember is that you can't usethe deduction to write off more thanyour taxable business income for theyear. That's to prevent taxpayers fromusing write-offs to build big losses thatcould be carried back to earlier yearsto lighten the tax load in those years.Also, note that the deduction is cutback on a dollar-for-dollar basis if youbuy more than $400,000 worth ofbusiness equipment in a single year. If you buy $420,000 worthof business equipment this year, yourSection 179 write-off will be $80,000,a reduction of $20,000.

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