

Physician's Money Digest
September30 2003
Volume 10
Issue 18

Cinema Consults: Chicago

This film, which can be rentedfrom your local video store, israted on a scale of 1 to 4 caducei:




Mr. Cellophane


(2002): The musicalsare back. With thecritical acclaim andfinancial success of, movie studioswill no doubtbe rushing to producemore showtune-driven productions.Let's just hopethat its successors are as well craftedas this little gem. is afantastic musical to begin with, butwhat makes this movie so entertainingand satisfying is that it wascleverly reconceived for the cinematicform. Any musical can betaped and sold as a movie; this version,however, could only be realizedon screen—and that's why itsucceeds. The cast is very talented,even in this very demanding genre.Any actor can play a court scene,but few can tap dance while playingit. The supporting cast, in particular,deserves special recognition.Queen Latifa's Mama Mortonsteals the show, and John C. Riley'sversion of breaksyour heart. Although originallypremiered on Broadway in1973, its content is still very muchrelevant and the plot—2 murderessesattempt to use publicity tosecure a favorable trial verdict—iscompelling. This film is a spectaclethat still bears the mark of its originaldirector and choreographer,Bob Fosse, and I enjoyed it fromstart to finish.

Rating: 4

Lisa A. Tomaszewski, managing editorof Physician's Money Digest, is currentlyworking on her PhD in literature atDrew University in New Jersey. She isan avid fan of film and has taught asummer film course at FairleighDickinson University. She welcomesquestions, comments, or suggestions forfuture film reviews at 732-656-1140ext 195 or

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