

Physician's Money Digest
September15 2003
Volume 10
Issue 17

Those Affluent Bulls


Physician's Money Digest

Talk to wealthy Americans—thosewith $500,000 in assets and $150,000in annual income (which includes morethan 60% of readers)—and the majority expect theUS economy to improve over the next 3months, according to a survey byMcDonald Financial Corp. Although 3of 5 surveyed expect the S&P 500 to goup over the next 3 months, only 25%plan to put more money in stocks. Aseparate survey by Bank of America ofthe mass affluent—those with at least$100,000 in investable assets—showsthat many investors hold big stakes inbonds but only 16% have sold or planto sell, even though the recent fast risein interest rates has already caused considerabledamage to their bond portfoliosand rates figure to go even higher ifthe economy heats up.

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