Web's Worth: Life Happens, Be Prepared

Physician's Money DigestSeptember15 2003
Volume 10
Issue 17

Peace of mind is something westrive for in every aspect of ourlives, particularly when it comes topersonal finances. However, findingpeace of mind has not always proveneasy, especially amid today's fast pacedworld of electronic investing,mega-corporate mergers, and a fairlydubious job market. New York LifeInvestment Management's (NYLIM)new Web site, "Life Happens, BePrepared," offers peace of mind in aformat that takes the term "userfriendly" to new levels.

This enhanced Web site is accessedvia www.nylim.com/mainstayfunds by looking up "Life Happens,Be Prepared" under the InvestorEducation option on the left-sidemenu. "Life Happens" includes completewalk-throughs of 6 of the mostcommon financial tight spots—"You're Engaged," "Marriage," "NewBaby," "Suddenly Single," "A Deathin the Family," and "Being Downsized."The Web site also includes a"LifeFolio," an online organizationaltool for managing your finances thatcovers all of the pecuniary concernsdiscussed in the articles.

Each subject is presented througha number of inter-related topics thatcover every financial aspect of theissue, and even manage to work insome rather sound nonfinancial advice.For example, "You're Engaged"suggests not only setting a date that isconvenient for guests and givingadvanced warning, but also choosingbridesmaids' dresses that the bridesmaidswill actually like. This sectionincludes a handy checklist of items toconsider as both wedding expensesand personal touches.

Perhaps 1 of the greatest virtuesof this Web site is that the informationand advice is written in an easy-to-understand, open, and humanmanner. Real people have obviouslywritten these articles, taking care towrite in a simple manner, and avoidingas often as possible confusingfinancial diction. Helpful tips abound.Even humor and interesting littlefactoids have their place.

From the perspective of someonewho is neither an economist noran investment banker, NYLIM's "LifeHappens, Be Prepared" is a Web sitethat makes financial concerns interestingand much less of a headache.It's 1 financial Web site you will notneed an MBA to understand andenjoy.

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