Sales of the Hummer H2, long the targetof environmentalists for its thirsty fuelconsumption, have been slowing downfrom the torrid pace they set last year,when General Motors (GM) couldn'tmake the huge SUVs fast enough. Now,to clear the way for next year's models,GM has announced a $2000 dealer-incentiveprogram on 2003 H2 models.With a 91-day supply of H2s on hand,GM hopes the incentives, which dealerscan choose to keep or pass on to customers,will help move last year's modelsoff dealer lots. The basic H2, which startsat about $48,000, has become the mostaccessorized GM vehicle, with ownersadding an average of about $2000 worthof extras to the base model. In addition,many of the heavy models qualify forvery favorable business tax treatmentunder Section 179. Check with youraccountant for details.