How to Get
Started in Real Estate Investment
Fundamentals of Real
Estate Finance
Buying real estate is the favorite subjectof TV infomercials and Internet bulletinboards, but physician-investorsshould proceed with caution. The vastmajority of these pitches are scams thatask you to pay a fee for an instructionalcourse in the no-money-down real estatemarket, according to John Reed, arespected real estate investing expert andauthor. The promoters are in business torun the courses and collect the fees; theknowledge they impart generally is notworth the price. A West Point graduatewho received his MBA from Harvard,Reed also offers a subscription newsletter,"Real Estate Investor's Monthly," and isthe author of more than 20 easy-to-understandbooks, including (John T.Reed; 2000) and (John T. Reed; 2003). Formore information, call 925-820-7262 orvisit