(Washington Post, 2004)
90%—Percentage of Washington, DC, political newspaper reporterswho are white.
News & World Report, 2004)
4649—Number of US soldiers who died on D-Day, June 6, 1944.
(Reuters Health, 2004)
$1.9 billion—Total sales in 2003 for the impotence drug Viagra.
(US Census Bureau, 2004)
97%—Percentage of US preschool and kindergarten teachers who arewomen.
(USA Today, 2004)
72—Average age of a US election poll worker.
(USA Today, 2004)
$51,569—Average value of a US worker's 401(k) plan.
(BusinessWeek, 2004)
11%—Percentage of Americans who have been a victim of consumerfraud.
(Business 2.0, 2004)
$37,323—One year's tuition at University of Pennsylvania's WhartonSchool of Business.
(USA Today, 2004)
$793 million—Price paid by NBC-TV for the broadcast rights of the2004 Summer Olympics.
(College Board, 2004)
1026—Average SAT score (verbal, 508; math, 518) for a high school studentin 2004.