Shorter lines at security checkpointsare just a part of the appeal of out-of-the-wayairports, seasoned travelers say.Savvy travel shoppers who are willing todrive to airports away from the mainstreamcan also save a bundle of cash—not only on airline tickets, but also oncheaper parking. As an outgrowth of thediscount airline trend, the movementtoward using out-of-the-way airports isgrowing. When Southwest started flyinginto Manchester, NH, 6 years ago, only4% of the airport's passengers camefrom Boston, Mass; now 20% of themdo. Other alternative airports includeOakland, Calif, for San Francisco, Calif;Long Beach, Calif, for Los Angeles, Calif;Akron-Canton, Ohio, for Cleveland,Ohio; and Norfolk, Va, for Richmond,Va. Be prepared for fewer big-airportamenities, such as restaurants andcocktail lounges.