With the increasing numberof malpractice suitsand today's less than enthusiasticeconomy, physicians maywant to invest in additionalincome sources. One way to dothis is to put your unusedproperty up for lease.
The Successful Landlord: How to Make
Money Without Making Yourself Nuts
It may appear easy enough—findinga tenant and collecting the rent everymonth. However, as Ken Roth warns in($19.95; Amacom; 2004), not knowingthe legal issues involved may cause problemsin this otherwise secure and profitableventure. By arming yourself withenough information, you can avoidthose pesky landlord-tenant pitfalls.
Successful Landlord
Roth explores property leasing in hisbook, offering detailed informationon how to find goodtenants and manage themalong with your property. Thebook is easy to follow, withthe information organized ina straightforward layout. is embellishedwith case studies. Its sample legaldocuments include forms and letters. Italso provides a background into the historyof leasing. Roth infuses humorthroughout the book, making for aninformative and enjoyable read.
While leasing your property may bean easy way to earn extra income, besure to brush up your legal knowledgebefore taking the plunge. Roth's bookwill be a helpful guide to novice and seasonedlandlords alike.