Taxation of Real Estate Exchanges: Ideas
and Strategies—What Works. What
Doesn't. And Why.
Looking to sell some old real estateand buy new property? In ($23.95; iUniverseStar; 2004), Richard A. Robinson andJames D. Maxwell reveal some simplesteps real estate investors can use to circumventprohibitive federal incometaxes by using IRS safe-harbor exchangerules. The authors go through the historyof the 1031 Exchange, review themeaning of a like-kind exchange, andprovide real questions and answers fromreal estate investors that could helpphysician-investors save money in theirown real estate exchanges.
Federal Taxation of Real Estate
This accessible guide addresses thebasics of traditional exchanges andrelated problems (eg, figuring taxablegains) and helps physician-investorsfind answers to all their real estate taxquestions. Robinson and Maxwell usetheir knowledge to help the seriousreal estate whiz find what they need toincrease their profits and find newstrategies and ideas in terms that areclearly explained. For any questionsthat need answering about real estateexchanges and income tax law, physician-investors are safe turning to theexpertise of Robinson and Maxwell's.