(New York Times, 2004)
$18 billion—Estimated cost of property damages in Florida after2004's hurricanes.
(MedAdNews, 2004)
64%—Percentage of primary care physicians who rate Pfizer the most"supportive"drug company.
(Time, 2004)
15%—Percentage of all sexual harassment claims that are filed by men.
(Health, 2004)
62%—Percentage of adults who do not wear helmets when they ride abicycle.
(Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention [CDCP], 2004)
40%—Percentage of all US doctor's office visits that are general practitioner-,family practitioner-, or internal medicine-related.
(CDCP, 2004)
27%—Percentage of Americans who suffer from arthritis.
(CDCP, 2004)
60%—Percentage of Americans who favor stricter gun control laws.
(NPD Group, 2004)
62%—Percentage of Americans who are overweight.
Tonight Show
(Wall Street Journal, 2004)
$27 million—Annual compensation for Jay Leno, host of NBC-TV's .
York Post, 2004)
445—Average number of cars stolen every week in New York City.