Medical Journal
If you're fed up with the tribulationsof medical practice, like dealingwith managed care plans, youmay be interested to find that manyof your physician-colleagues in theUnited Kingdom feel the same way.According to a report in the , 22% of the generalpractitioners in Britain intend tocall it quits within 5 years, up from14% in 1998.The researchers notedthat the rise in the number of doctorswho plan to leave their medicalpractice is due mainly to a loss ofjob satisfaction. A similar survey bythe British Medical Associationfound that about 25% of familyphysicians planned to leave practicein 5 years, with two thirds reportingthat their morale had suffered in theprevious 5 years. A recent survey bythe Center for Health Services Researchin Primary Care found thatabout 20% of US doctors were "dissatisfied"with their medical careers.