Smart Choices: Selecting and Administering a Safe 401(k) Plan
(Blue Prairie Group, LLC; 2002; $28.95)
Smart Choices
By Matthew Gnabasik Retirement plans and the companieswho sponsor them areunder intense scrutiny, especiallyafter some recent high-profilecompanies'shenanigans wiped outemployees'retirement funds. Insponsoring your practice's plan,you should be well informed ofcurrent retirement plans availablefor business owners, like 401(k)s.provides an easy-to-read, comprehensive guidebookfor retirement plan sponsors whowant to make the best possibleretirement choices for their companies,providing aframework for understandingthe basics ofqualified plans. An up-to-date resource forboth first-time 401(k)buyers and those maintainingtheir existing plan, the bookcovers key points, including: plandesign, fiduciary responsibilities,market overview, plan costs, investmentselection and monitoring,employee education and communication,benchmarking, and vendorselection, among others.The comprehensive road map iswritten in a simple, clear style toassist physicians and their advisorswith the huge responsibility ofdesigning, selecting, and administeringa successful retirement planfor their staff.