Being popular doesn't always pay off.For example, it's usually difficult to avoidpublic scrutiny when everybody knowsyour name. And there's no escaping criticism,even when you're a pickup truck.Popular four-wheelers grab the attentionof the National Highway Traffic SafetyAdministration when it's time to selectnew vehicles for their annual crash tests.The agency's study tested 23 pickup truckmodels in this year's crash tests and handedout grades to 18 different makes forrollover probability and safety features.Leading the pack of safest pickups infrontal and side crash tests with 5 starseach were the Dodge Dakota and ToyotaTacoma. The Chevrolet Silverado and GMCSierra didn't fare quite as well in the sametests, tying for last place. These crash testflunkies did, however, make a comeback inthe rollover rankings, scoring 4 of 5 starsand receiving praise for beneficial safetyfeatures such as antilock brakes and daytimerunning lamps.