First things first:
If you're the physician-parent of a youngsterwith Ivy Leaguedreams, now might be a good time toreview the ins and outs of financial aid.Despite popular belief,saving for college shouldn't really hurt yourchances of qualifying for future assistance.No, someone like Donald Trump probablywouldn't be eligible for a student loanfrom the federal government; however,according to, the notionthat a dollar saved for college equals adollar lost in financial aid is far from correct.That's great news for parents with littleones at home who will enter their firstyear of college in the fall of 2019, whenthe cost of a private higher education isexpected to top $200,000. If you're worriedabout whether you and your futureHarvard star will qualify for financial aid,visit and check out theFinancial Aid Award Evaluator. You'll find aplethora of useful information on this easy-to-navigate site.