Lo and behold, doctors, the saying istrue: You can have too much of a goodthing. That's the word from several statesthat are having a difficult time finding buyersfor their new starter homes. The problemis so bad in some places that buildersare now offering homebuyers a free airconditioner with their purchase. The root ofthe problem is that it appears too manybuilders hopped onboard the same bandwagonat the same time, creating a surplusof affordable houses for first-time homeowners.States facing this problem includeIndiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio, aswell as the city of Charlotte, NC. So what'spreventing folks from seizing the opportunityto own their very own home in theseareas? The local economy has a lot to dowith the public's resistance to buy.Americans in states like Ohio, which hasseen its share of job losses since 2000, justcan't afford to take advantage of the freeair conditioners.