Owning a hand-held mobile device hasbecome a commonplace necessity thanksto the iPod, Apple's answer to downloadablemusic on the go. But your favoritesongs aren't the only thing you can downloadon your iPod. now providesinterviews and news stories aboutreal estate investment trusts (REITs) onpodcasts, a downloadable format foriPods, BlackBerrys, and MP3 players. A freeservice, focuses on providingREIT investors with the information theyneed to help them make the right decision.affirms that it's hard topredict whether financial podcasts willreshape the way investors receive theirinvesting information, although someexperts think that podcasts are simply testingthe waters. Critics cite the cumbersomenature of podcasting as a reason why thisnews format may never take off. Individualswho wish to take their podcastwith them on their way out the door mustfirst download content from a Web site, atime-consuming process if you happen tobe running late. A simple remedy to thisquandary just requires a little planning.Anatole Pevnev, founder of,advises individuals to download the informationthe night before and listen to theirpodcast during their daily commute.