The Beneficiary Book: A
Family Information Organizer
The merits of ($19.95; by Martin Kuritzwith James Martellaro may be knownalready to some physicians, but the conveniente-book edition allows for readers tosimply print and fill out their information.This updated and revised version allowsphysician-investors to keep pace with theirbusy practices while organizing their finalwishes. Split into 10 sections—from FirstThings First to Disaster Protection—thebook is a handy workbook with easy-tounderstandfields for trouble-free planning.Final plans must be organized and straightforwardenough for those left behind tounderstand, and this book accomplishesboth tasks through simple steps. Questionsare in colored blocks for simple reference,and the guide even includes tips for betterplanning. Other e-book editions of Kuritz'sworkbooks are also available to help youplan for childcare, estate planning, andyour practice.