70%—Percentage of employeeswho plan to work past age 65 or neverretire at all. (Time, 2006)
27%—Percentage of US citizenswith passports. (Time, 2007)
$22,500—Median householdretirement savings of workingAmericans. (Barron's, 2007)
58%—Percentage of income atypical working household is expectedto replace in retirement, up from 57%last year. (Barron's, 2007)
65%—Percentage of consumerswho save some money on a regularbasis. (Experian-Gallup Personal CreditIndex Survey, 2007)
31%—Percentage of consumerswho say it's hard enough to just makeends meet. (Experian-Gallup PersonalCredit Index Survey, 2007)
100—Number (in billions) ofneurons in the human brain. Additionalsupporting tissue brings the total cellcount to 1 trillion. (Time, 2007)
31%—Percentage of all adults whodiscuss their inheritance with thoseleaving it to them. (Newsweek, 2007)
38%—Percentage of all adults,with a household income of morethan $150,000, who discuss theirinheritance with those leaving it tothem. (Newsweek, 2007)
95%—Percentage of people whoprocrastinate at times, with 15% to20% being chronic offenders. (BusinessWeek, 2007)