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Physicians looking to save some moneyon their heating bills next year need onlyimplement a few simple strategies accordingto an article in . An importantstep is to lock in a rate with your heatingprovider when fuel prices are at theirbottom rate relative to recent years. Thisspring happens to be a good time to lockin because of the early warm start to thewinter. Many fuel companies have excessheating oil and natural gas stored up, creatinga reduction in price.
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However, also urges youto remember that a lock in price is not setin stone, because acts of God, hurricanes,or war in the Middle East can disruptprices. It is also important to find out ifthere is a termination fee, an automaticrenewal clause, and what the length of thecontract is. Natural gas customers can alsocompare prices with gas suppliers, whilesome heating oil customers in the Northeastcan join a heating oil cooperativethat, for a fee, can negotiate fuel prices forits members.