Peter Schnatz, DO, Reading Health System, current President of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS), spoke about his presidential address, which discussed breast arterial calcification (BAC) and the association with risk factors and atheroscleratic cardiovascular disease.
Peter Schnatz, DO, Reading Health System, current President of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS), spoke about his presidential address, which discussed breast arterial calcification (BAC) and the association with risk factors and atheroscleratic cardiovascular disease. He shared their initial findings showed a definite association between BAC and cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular disease. However, his team felt the real question was, "Does it matter?" Rather, what would be important, Schnatz said, was if a patient has these calcifications, but does not have heart disease, is this a predictor that he'll be at higher risk of developing heart disease down the road?