Our latest case report from Brady Pregerson, MD, features a patient in their mid-70s presenting to the hospital with chest pain since 2 AM that became constant at 5 AM and made him vomit. Check out the EKG and determine the correct diagnosis!
A patient in their mid-70s presents to the hospital with chest pain since 2 AM that became constant at 5 AM and made him vomit. The pain radiates to the back and is pleuritic, but only mildly so. He denies syncope, palpitations, SOB, leg swelling or pain, fever, cough or other complaints.
Vital signs are normal except for bradycardia. The physical exam is normal except that he is moaning in pain.
An ECG is performed:
Computer Read: Sinus bradycardia
Other info: CXR normal
What is the most likely diagnosis?