Highlights of four recent studies in hypertension, heart failure, preeclampsia expose vulnerable populations.
1. Cheng C, Daskalakis C. Association of ambulatory heart rate and atherosclerosis risk factors with blood pressure in young non-hypertensive adults. Open Heart. 2016;3: doi:10.1136/openhrt-2015-000332
2. Shimada YJ, Tsugawa Y, Brown DF, Hasegawa K. Bariatric surgery and emergency department visits and hospitalizations for heart failure exacerbation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67:895-903.
3. Valensise H, Lo Presti D, Gagliardi G, et al. Persistent maternal cardiac dysfunction after preeclampsia identifies patients at risk for recurrent preeclampsia. Hypertension. 2016;67:748-753.
4. Walsh KB, Adeoye O, Sekar P, et al. Importance of untreated hypertension for intracerebral hemorrhage. American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference. Los Angeles, Feb 17-19, 2016. Abstract 126.