Emerging more frequently as part of the total evidence generated with Eliquis, real-world data allows researchers to work with larger populations to show specific reductions in major bleeding and stroke, as well.
Christoph Koenen, MD, MBA, Head of Cardiovascular Medical, Bristol-Myers Squibb shared at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2016 (ESC), the significant benefits real-world data has for the growth of Eliquis research. Koenen believes this will allow physicians to be more confidentin their options for patient care. He also explained they are not done with ARISTOTLE by any means; they hope to continuously generate more data in different subgroups - elderly, those prone to falling, etc. "It's not only important to look at one georgraphy, but to also replicate the same results in different geographies, then maybe the next steps would be to look at more specific subgroups like patients with renal insufficiency and patients with other comorbidities, " Koenen remarked.