Common Myths Behind Breast Implants


Despite the fact that breast augmentation surgery is a safe and popular option for women to enhance their figure, there are still many common myths out there regarding the procedure.

Despite the fact that breast augmentation surgery is a safe and popular option for women to enhance their figure, there are still many common myths out there regarding the procedure.

Myth #1: Breast implants impact breastfeeding ability

One of the most common myths about breast augmentation surgery is that the implants can interfere with breastfeeding, or that breastfeeding will somehow affect the breast implants. Both of these myths are false, and it is important to communicate this to our patients. Among women who are healthy and able to breastfeed prior to the augmentation, breast implants will have no impact on their ability to breastfeed after surgery.

Likewise, breastfeeding will not impact the breast implant. While there may be changes to the breasts, they will not be linked to the act of breastfeeding, but rather to the pregnancy itself.

Genetics, hormone changes, and weight gain can all contribute to changes in breast shape and volume. However, studies have shown that breastfeeding has little, if any, impact on changes to the implants.

Myth #2: Older women should avoid breast implants

The only factor to consider when patients are considering breast augmentation surgery is their overall health. If your patients are healthy enough for surgery, then it doesn’t matter if they are 20 or 60; they can get great results from a breast augmentation surgery at any age.

Myth #3: Breast implants affect mammography

Breast cancer is a serious concern for many women, but our patients can rest assured that breast augmentation surgery will not affect their ability to undergo mammography testing. In fact, women with silicone breast implants tend to get better results from their mammography because the technique involves X-rays, rather than the traditional compression method.

If mammograms are the reason your patients are hesitant to receive a breast augmentation, you can set their minds at ease, as there are no problems between mammograms and breast implants.

Myth #4: Women with breast implants cannot wear underwire bras

Although the origin of this myth is still unknown, many believe it began due to women attempting to wear underwire bras too soon after their surgery, which caused them to experience some discomfort. Whether or not they are natural, large breasts can sag overtime if they are not supported, and underwire bras help provide the support that is needed to prevent this sagging.

I actually recommend patients to wear underwire bras once they are fully healed from surgery, as the bras can help maintain the overall appearance of the breasts.


The truth is, techniques for placing implants and advances in implant types have made breast augmentation surgery safer, easier, and more common than it has ever been. If you have a patient who is resisting the urge to undergo breast augmentation surgery because of what they have heard, then it is time for you, as a medical professional, to set the record straight.

Robert T. Grant, MD, MSc, FACS, is Chief of the combined Divisions of Plastic Surgery at New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Columbia University Medical Center and New York-Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center. He is also Associate Clinical Professor of Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University and Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery at Weill Cornell Medical College. For more information about Dr. Grant or to contact him, visit his website at

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