
Endo 2010 Abstract Roundup (Part 3)

Abstract #P1-438Vitamin D Status and Metabolic risk Factors in Elderly Koreans; Ansan Geriatric StudyAuthors: Seo J, Kim J, Yang S, et al.

Purpose: "We examined whether vitamin D levels have an impact on body composition and the metabolic risk factors."

Results: "Vitamin D deficiency is common and highly correlated with visceral adiposity in elderly Koreans. Low vitamin D levels are associated with visceral obesity, fasting hyperglycemia and hyperetriglycemia only in men."

Abstract #P1-168Serum 25-Hyrdoxyvitamin D and the Metabolic Syndrome: A Population-based StudyAuthors: Oosterwerff M, Eekhoff E, Lips P, et al.

Purpose: "The objective of this study was to examine a possible association between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and the metabolic syndrom in a population-based study of older persons."

Results: "A serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level below 50 nmol/l appears to be associated with a higher risk of the metabolic syndrome in older men and women. The association was mainly determined by low HDL and waist circumference."

Abstract #S19-2Progesterone for Vasomotor Symptoms: A 12-week Randomized, Masked Placebo-controlled Trial in Healthy, Normal-weight Women 1-10 Years Since Final Menstrual FlowAuthors: Prior J, Hitchcock C

Purpose: "Vasomotor symprtoms (VMS, hot flushes/night sweats) are the leading reason midlife women seek therapy. Oral medroxyprogesterone is effective for VMS in mulitple controlled trials and equivalent to estrogen, the gold standard, in a 1-y parallel, masked trial. We hypothesize that oral micronized progesterone (OMP) effectively treats VMS."

Results: "Oral micronized progesterone is effective therapy for hot flushes and night sweats in healthy women 1-10 years since final menstural flow."

Abstract #OR15-2Metabolic Syndrome in Kidney Donors and Long-term Renal Function OutcomeAuthors: Cuevas-Ramos D, Almeda-Valdes P, Alberu J, et al.

Purpose: "The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of the presence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in donors before nephrectomy (BN) on renal function at follow-up."

Results: "Kidney donors with MetS have a significantly greater decline in glomerular filtration rate at follow-up. This finding suggests that the presence of MetS before donation can negatively impact donor's renal function outcome."

Abstract #OR17-1Higher Endogenous Testosterone Levels Associated with Increased Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Elderly Men: A Prospective StudyAuthors: Sueoka K, Ewing S, Enscrud K, et al.

Purpose: "To examine endogenous sex hormone levels in older men as independent risk facotrs for coronary heart disease (CHD) events."

Results: "Among elderly men, higher endogenous testosterone levels are associated with an increased risk of CHD."

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