
New Ankle Implant Enables Natural Movement

The INBONE Total Ankle System implant is a treatment for ankle arthritis that can provide pain relief to some longtime ankle arthritis sufferers.

The INBONE™ Total Ankle System implant is a treatment for ankle arthritis that can provide pain relief to some longtime ankle arthritis sufferers. This video featured on an ABC affiliate station, highlights the case of one ankle pain sufferer who relied on pain pills and bulky supportive boots to get around. With the new treatment, she is able to walk without supportive braces and even swivel her ankle.

The doctor featured in the video speaks about some of the unique characteristics of the implant including the fact that it has a modular stem that allows the surgeon to customize the implant to fit the patient. The INBONE design provides more stability and may help restore the ankles natural movement.

To read the accompanying article click here.

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