Updates from the 2018 European Lupus Society Meeting focus on the risk infection poses to patients with SLE.
References1. Simard J, Rossides M, Arkema E. Serious infection rates in systemic lupus erythematosus: a Swedish population-based assessment. Presented at: 11th SLEuro European Lupus Society Meeting; March 21-24, 2018; Dusseldorf, Germany.2. Iglesias AL, Pego-Reigosa JM, López-Longo FJ, et al. Bacteremia in systemic lupus erythematosus patients from Relesser Registry: risk factors, clinical and microbiological characteristics and outcomes. Presented at: 11th SLEuro European Lupus Society Meeting; March 21-24, 2018; Dusseldorf, Germany.