Stay connected and up-to-date in health care news with the Connected Clinician top stories of the week for the week of November 18.
Is it working? This week in health care news was abundant with stories of clinicians going to less-traveled roads for therapy options. Whether or not they proved successful, these efforts to consider patients' care beyond a pill — such as the consideration to connection between lifestyle and HIV prophylaxis — showed the varied means by which health care experts combat conditions.
Now is the time to catch up on all the news you may have missed this week, with the Connected Clinician Top Stories of the Week!HIV patients are more likely to be depressed, which reduces treatment adherence. Here’s how dogs could help. As a result of these data, further evaluation in the form of clinical trials is “warranted,” according to the authors.Based on current policies, the US is 1 of 22 nations "working towards" HCV elimination. The new guidelines define Stage 1 hypertension as a patient having systolic blood pressure between 130-139 or diastolic blood pressure between 80-89.The FDA has approved aripiprazole tablets with a sensor to digitally track whether patients have taken their medication.The NSS-2 Bridge relieves withdrawal symptoms for up to 5 days during an acute period.The international humanitarian aid group will get the generics from companies in Egypt and India.Data showed that the odds of receiving ranibizumab increased with advancing age and according to racial demographics.A large number of older patients are being diagnosed with HIV, and are being diagnosed later in the disease due to a lack of testing and stigma about sexuality.Testers logged into the website 4.5 times in the first month but had fallen to 3 times by month 6.