How much did the US president andvice president pay in taxes last year? Inpercentage terms, President George W.Bush paid 28% of his adjusted grossincome (AGI) in federal income taxes;Vice President Dick Cheney paid 20%.President Bush reported an AGI of$822,126 in 2003, slightly lower than theprevious year, and paid $227,490 in taxeson that amount, also a bit lower than2002 payments. Vice President Cheneyreported an AGI of $1.3 million, includingdeferred compensation from Halliburton,and owed $253,067 in federalincome taxes. The vice president's incomeincluded his wife Lynne's salary from theAmerican Enterprise Institute, a Washington,DC–based think tank, along withhis vice presidential salary of $198,600.Bush's return claimed $95,043 in itemizeddeductions, including $68,360 incharitable donations. Bush also deducted$21,352 in property taxes paid on hisranch in Crawford, Tex.