

Physician's Money Digest

June30 2004
Issue 12

Thumbs Up: Lose the Latte and Save

If the local coffee shop offers you ayear's supply of morning coffee for$750, you might think twice beforeputting out that kind of money. Butyou hardly ever pause before youplunk down $2.50 for your morningcup of java. Based on 20 working daysa month, you could skip the coffee andput the $50 that you save into yourretirement plan. Doctors who say theycan't find any extra cash to invest intheir retirement plans might take alook at their daily spending habits; littlethings like lattes and lottery ticketsadd up. One solution is a daily impulsebudget—allow yourself a certainamount to spend every day, but onceit's gone, no more spending. The resultshould be less outgo and some extramoney at the end of the month tobeef up your retirement nest egg.

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